Well, I've been poaching wifi from an internet cafe all afternoon. It's rainy, so I walked around outside for awhile under my umbrella, but then I was over it.
My hostel is in Langstrasse, which is a dodgy-ish part of town (tarts on the corners, but not so much dangerous.) The people who run the hostel are very friendly, and you get a free beer from the bar on the ground floor :).
My friend from Los Angeles ballet, Che, grew up here in Zurich and was extremely helpful with ideas of things to do, including taking open class at the Zurich ballet school. I'm looking forward to doing that tomorrow. I'm also looking forward to seeing my mom's German literary agent friends tomorrow afternoon.
Before I know it I'll be off to Lausanne, but will be returning to Zurich for the weekend. This is fun!
I would also like to add that Swiss hazelnut yogurt, made with crushed hazelnuts, is amazing.
I might try to make an 8:30 pm showing of Sherlock Holmes, dubbed in English with German subtitles.
It was pretty warm today, so cross your fingers that the rain will let up tomorrow!
I love this picture. And hazelnut yogurt sounds amazing.